in-person classes
beginner-friendly yoga classes in Edinbu rgh
While I love teaching yoga online I know for some people it's face to face or bust. If you are interested in joining me for in-person yoga in New Town please fill in the interest form below! Right now you can find me in person on Fridays 9:30-10:30 am at Yellow Bamboo Yoga in Portobello every week.

9:30-10:30 am
Yellow Bamboo Yoga
The Stables, 38 Baileyfield Road
EH15 1NA
Join me at this lovely, welcoming studio in Portobello! ​Each Friday morning we gently wake up our bodies and move through our flowing yoga in a way that feels good in each of our bodies. If you are new to yoga or an experienced yoga student there will be options for you to grow your practice.
All bookings for these classes are donw directly through Yellow Bamboo Yoga. If you'd like to join in just click the button below and book on for "Morning Yoga with Elena" on Fridays at 9:30 am.
want to yoga with me in new town?